It always feel great when you have something new to wear. YPT's new look black T Shirts with our logo embroidered into the top left have given our young people something to wear with pride.
We've got a great bunch attending YPT this term. We focus their energy, encourage them to lead and make creative decisions and guide them towards performance each term.
This spring has a skills focus and leads towards recognition of their efforts with our award for progression - Intrepid Steps. Plus, they can opt to take a Trinity Guildhall accredited award.
Trinity Guildhall offer young people a practical and engaging way to develop and seek accredited recognition, which can be practically used as points towards UCAS applications further down the line.
Charlie, YPT's leader and main Theatre Centre teacher has recently graduated from and comes equipped with fine training in drama and theatre. Charlie first came to Intrepid as a 13yr old, attending our youth theatre. She's returned many times since and now she is the latest addition to our skilled team.
Now check out these great shots from James McCauley of YPT in their new T shirts.
To join YPT and find out about all we do, email Richard